Thursday, July 16, 2009


Sitting alone in this room, I feel like a stranger in my own house. Emptiness feels bitter than ever. Suddenly doubt comes crawling quietly-slowly onto my back, holding, while wickedly putting her lips to my ear and whisper spells to break my defenses.

I woke up and instantly run toward the door. Wanting to feed sunshine-warm to my soul, but outside, all I can found was just darkness. The night has just begun. With bare foot I started walking on to the pavements, passing dark and smelly alleys, toward the crowds; to wherever my heart leads me to.

I saw people I thought I knew become just another faces in the crowd. The things I thought I have, turning into dust in my palm. The road ahead is dark and rocky, I thought I saw light at the end of it, but turns out it's just a vicious flash of the eyes of doubt that lurking behind shadows of the people.

Who am I?

Who are you?

Can we just stop pretending?

Is nowhere, a start? Because I started to questioning, is this the way I want my life to be? Should I change direction and risk everything I have for an unsure reality.

I’m not that strong. I’m not that brave.

Can you just untie your heart and listen to what my heart is dying for?

The night is old and I lost my bold.

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